Keeps crashing
Keeps crashing
Addicting game! It crashes a little more than I like in a game but its hours of gaming fun!
This is a great buy. Hours of enjoyment and plenty of map options. Highly suggest it!
It is so terrible now!!!! I want to revert to the pre-upgrade version. Will likely remove this game as it is no longer fun. The cost to build each building is much higher and because it takes so much longer to get to a level where you can run the town, the townsmen are constantly irritated and lots of pop up messages - out of Thaler, short on wood, short on food. Terrible!
I loved playing Townsmen and even upgraded to the premium, but the latest update has me irritated. It takes a lot longer to build and costs to build have gone up. Plus, now you have to "upgrade" buildings just to get them as efficient as they were before the update. The worst part, aside from the constant pop-ups that now try to sell me more upgrades ( I thought I bought the premium game to stop this) , I lost all of my saved games because they wouldnt play with the update installed and I used up most of my saved prestige just trying to get through the tutorial in under 2 hours. I understand the logic behind the update, but wouldnt it have been better as an "advanced" add-on? I want my old Townsmen game back. So, OK. I gave it a chance and the new version, though more difficult, is playable. Once you get past the changes, they actually make sense. The trick is to keep going back to the first scenario and get the rewards. Especially the 10,000 Thaler donation; it gets you 100 prestige just like that. Then you can use that prestige to help you through the continuing scenarios. I will stick to my initial statement, though. The game was less complicated and more fun before the change.
I have to agree with the other posters that the most recent update made the game A LOT harder. I too, am finding it a constant struggle to keep my people happy and buildings repaired. I get its a "freemium" and they have to encourage players to keep buying in app purchases even after they have bought the game, but the changes will reduce the fun factor of the game and drive away your business. Otherwise, I like the addition of seasons and the foresters hut. Possible updates could be stables to provide better horses to the jousting arena to increase its entertainment ability. Perhaps add the ability for your carriers to start using horses as well to make them able to carry more and go faster.
Thats a really interesting game and it s so cool to see people walk abd work i love it:)
Would give five stars, but game has crashing issues. Everything fine for a while, but now it is back yo refusing to open.
Never get tired of this game. Enjoy seeing my townsmen accomplishing set tasks. Reminds me of the classic age of empires and Sierras Cleopatra or Zeus time building games.
Love this game, would be awesome if they added features like townsman 6 with the barracks and defences....
Well here is another great example of a game that will do nothing but pester you for more of your money. Opening the application, it brings up a list of other games to sink money into. Throughout the game it points out how long things take to build, and how much faster it would be if you would be willing to pay another $6 for infinite fast forward. Do you find you exp is going up too slow as well? Pay more money for double exp! This is lazy game developing. There was no attempt at anything new; there are other games that do this style of gaming with more finesse, where you can at least close the app and come back to seeing your buildings completed; not this game. If youre not willing to pay for more "prestige", youve got to let every painful second of building be built. Funnnn. Overall, 5/5 for looks, but 1/5 for gameplay, and for tempting me to hide my wallet.
Would be nice to add battle element to it but still keeping focusing on economic. Reminds me an old game I use to love playing - Beast and Bumpkins, but currently without the beast element :)
this is the best the best game on apple store! I found that so cute that the villagers have always the same routine! Omg ahaha:3 I can wait for the next update, if there some other updates! Put some cow? And some war if you want, like a choice to do war or not
If youre looking for a good strategy game this one rocks!!! I wish it was more in depth though. It does very well and keeps the time passing buy just once youve gotten to the end thats pretty much it. Still love this game better than others
This game is just what I was looking for. It is so detailed yet simple! Love it love it love it!
はまりそうです!色々と細かくできてておもしろい Its pretty fun game:)
As in title.
Very good game.
I have this game on my kindle and iPhone. I like the one for the iPhone better because there are more options for buildings like an infirmary & firehouse. This is a great city building game, so if you like those type of games as well I would recommend this one.