I loved playing Townsmen and even upgraded to the premium, but the latest update has me irritated. It takes a lot longer to build and costs to build have gone up. Plus, now you have to "upgrade" buildings just to get them as efficient as they were before the update. The worst part, aside from the constant pop-ups that now try to sell me more upgrades ( I thought I bought the premium game to stop this) , I lost all of my saved games because they wouldnt play with the update installed and I used up most of my saved prestige just trying to get through the tutorial in under 2 hours. I understand the logic behind the update, but wouldnt it have been better as an "advanced" add-on?
I want my old Townsmen game back.
So, OK. I gave it a chance and the new version, though more difficult, is playable. Once you get past the changes, they actually make sense.
The trick is to keep going back to the first scenario and get the rewards. Especially the 10,000 Thaler donation; it gets you 100 prestige just like that. Then you can use that prestige to help you through the continuing scenarios.
I will stick to my initial statement, though. The game was less complicated and more fun before the change.
VillagerNo6 about Townsmen Premium, v1.3.0