Well here is another great example of a game that will do nothing but pester you for more of your money.
Opening the application, it brings up a list of other games to sink money into. Throughout the game it points out how long things take to build, and how much faster it would be if you would be willing to pay another $6 for infinite fast forward. Do you find you exp is going up too slow as well? Pay more money for double exp!
This is lazy game developing. There was no attempt at anything new; there are other games that do this style of gaming with more finesse, where you can at least close the app and come back to seeing your buildings completed; not this game. If youre not willing to pay for more "prestige", youve got to let every painful second of building be built. Funnnn.
Overall, 5/5 for looks, but 1/5 for gameplay, and for tempting me to hide my wallet.
zped about Townsmen Premium, v1.4.7